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Regular Monthly Meeting of DPS

  • Wed, October 09, 2024
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Brookhaven College, Dallas

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

DPS will meet on Wednesday, October 9th, at 7PM Central time, in the Boonesville Auditorium (Room H125) of the Ellison Miles Building (Bldg H) at Brookhaven Campus of Dallas College (3939 Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch). National Fossil Day (October 16), was established to focus attention on fossil resources of the national park system.  Dr. Herb Meyer will speak on A Century-and-a-Half of Scientific Discovery, Tourism, and Conservation at the Florissant Fossil Beds, Colorado In addition, Bob Williams will give a short presentation on bryozoans.

Dr. Herb Meyer retired as Paleontologist Emeritus at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in 2023 after 29 years.  He is also an adjunct curator at the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, and worked previously at the U.S. Geological Survey and as a postdoctoral researcher at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Dr. Meyer earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from the Department of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley, where he specialized in paleobotany and the use of fossil plants to understand paleoclimate and elevation. He established a strong research program at Florissant as well as a successful paleontology intern program that hosted more than 60 interns. Together, they developed robust content for new exhibits in the visitor center and along the trails as well as extensive website content. He designed a comprehensive website (http://flfo-search.colorado.edu) documenting the Florissant fossil collections at 20 different museums. He is the author of “The Fossils of Florissant” and co-author of “Saved in Time: The Fight to Establish Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument” along with several other books, chapters, and scientific papers about this world-famous paleontological site.  He is an advocate for the concept of conserving Geoheritage at Florissant and around the world. 

DPS meetings are open to the public and free!  Members can bring food, snacks, chips, and sweets to share, and DPS provides water and sodas.  Everyone is welcome to bring fossils to show or for identification.  You can also join our meeting on Zoom at: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81877938701 (Meeting ID: 818 7793 8701 and Passcode: 464688).


Who we are

The DPS is a group of professional and amateur paleontologists that want to exchange information, interact, and continue their education in paleontology.  We meet once a month on the second Wednesday evening of the month at Brookhaven College, Building H.


If you have a question, if you have a fossil that you cannot identify, or need a site investigation, contact the Fossil Bureau of Investigation for help.

Contact Us at 817-355-4693 

Why join us

We have fun.

We learn stuff.

We go cool places.

We find interesting things.

We make new friends.

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